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by Andy Morrison

Is money everything?

When it comes to security, providing for your family, buying the extravagant gifts, I’m sure many would say yes. When it comes to choosing the right role for you, it certainly shouldn’t be.
As we sit in front of the good people, the first questions are around culture, progression and appetite to do deals. Good people value a business that invests into their staff. They want to enjoy the culture at work and be part of a good story. In recent times at CRS we have represented some of the most amazing start-up businesses and I have been astounded by my candidates’ responses. Top performing staff are ditching their bank pensions, employee benefits for the challenger banks and alternative funders with good prospects.
Candidates are fed up of looking over their shoulders with the dreaded fear of more changes, they want security within a healthy business and are happy to pay a price for it. We are finding that negotiations over salary are happening at the end of the process, as if it is a secondary thought. Our clients rarely loose people on money these days. They win on culture and opportunity.
Now clearly, I’m not stating that money isn’t an important factor. People still have bills to pay! However if your product is a good business with a great culture, you should show the door to those candidates whose opening gambit is, “ŒSo, what’s the pay?”. The hired gun mentality is quickly disappearing, whilst the market is still candidate light, we should stand strong and wait for the candidate that wants to join you for what you have, rather than what you can pay.

For further information please contact Andy Morrison on 0161 495 3642 or email


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