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by Katie Nelson
As we celebrated International Women¹s Day a few weeks ago, CRS wanted to reflect on how successful diversity initiatives have been in banking and finance. We think it is important to celebrate the small successes. ­ The amount of women on corporate boards and in executive suites has risen and shared parental leave is becoming more prevalent.
We wonder whether we’ve gone too far though. ­ Is there too much focus on gender in banking and finance? Is the media helping or hurting the cause? Have we forgotten about the other areas of diversity, such as ethnicity and sexual orientation? These are all questions that weigh heavy on my mind.
We also wonder why the FinTech space is so male dominated when these businesses are all about innovative, modern thinking, and a flexible approach to business? As the STEM subjects (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) see more women graduate and the amount of women entrepreneurs grows; this dynamic and bold space will diversify and be able to offer the support and flexibility all employees need.
There are still many questions to be answered around the idea of diversity and inclusion and there are still steps we can make on a daily basis to encourage an inclusive and respectful work environment. I encourage you to stand up for change and remember, it’s not just about the big gestures but the daily little successes. Little gestures can make a huge impact.
For further information please contact Katie Nelson on 0161 495 3635 or email

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