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I was asked to write an article on Brexit and its impact on banking and asset finance.

The truth is that there are far more qualified people than me that still have no idea how to answer that question being posed – but what I can tell you is that Brexit is a good excuse for banks to keep slashing costs on the front line and it seems it’s no excuse for the asset finance industry – its growth and demand for their lending services goes on unabated.

Are the two linked? Well yes – if mainstream banks aren’t lending (and if the big four have all reduced their BD teams dramatically this year – this is clearly the case) Then alternative lenders – include in that asset finance – will see more and more demand.

As a recruiter to banking as a whole (asset finance, commercial banking, invoice finance etc) we see less and less demand from the mainstream and more and more from the ‘challengers’ and alternative funders…

And they are quite brilliant at looking after customers, turning deals round quickly – and generally doing what the banks should be but can’t

Thinking you need to be with a challenger/alternative. As Jordan Belfield would say – just pick up the phone!

For further information please contact Richard Jackson on 0161 495 3632 or email


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